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Reseller Pricing


Effective: 1/5/2024

We recognize that our high-quality resellers invest time and resources to deliver an extraordinary customer experience. To support our resellers' efforts, Poppin wishes to establish policies that allow resellers to capture the profit margin necessary to maintain the high standards people expect from Poppin resellers.

In order to successfully compete in the marketplace and to maintain its premium brand image, Poppin ("Seller") has announced this Unilateral Pricing Policy. Hereafter, all sales and all advertisements for sales of Seller's products from Authorized Resellers to End Users inside the United States shall be subject to this Unilateral Pricing Policy.

Seller products covered, and the corresponding minimum resale or advertised prices, have been provided already in our assortment/line lists or shall be delivered or otherwise made available by Seller to the Authorized Reseller as requested. Seller reserves the right from time to time to alter, modify, suspend, or cancel this Unilateral Pricing Policy, the products covered, and/or the minimum advertised and/or resale prices.

Seller products covered, and the corresponding minimum resale or advertised prices, have been provided already in our assortment/line lists or shall be delivered or otherwise made available by Seller to the Authorized Reseller as requested. Seller reserves the right from time to time to alter, modify, suspend, or cancel this Unilateral Pricing Policy, the products covered, and/or the minimum advertised and/or resale prices.

This policy does not restrict the Authorized Reseller's right to establish independent resale and advertised prices of Seller products. Seller reserves the right to determine whether an Authorized Reseller has advertised or sold Seller's products at a price less than the minimum price established by this Unilateral Pricing Policy. Upon such determination Seller may, without assuming any liability, cancel all orders and may decline to accept new orders from the Authorized Reseller.

This policy has been unilaterally adopted by Seller. Nothing in this policy shall constitute an agreement between Seller and any Authorized Reseller of compliance with this policy. The Authorized Reseller within its own discretion can choose to acquiesce or not acquiesce with this policy. Seller will not discuss conditions of acceptance related to this policy. This policy is non-negotiable and will not be altered, modified, or amended for any Authorized Reseller.

Combining a Product(s) covered by this Universal Pricing Policy with any other product for a sales price lower than the combined price of what the two (2) products could be purchased independent of each other shall not constitute acquiescence with Seller's Unilateral Pricing Policy.

Advertising that requests the End User to "see price in cart," "click to see price," "add to cart for best price," "why we do not show a price?" or a price that is struck through or no price is listed or any language or graphic representation that implies, or from which the End User can infer, that the End User click through to the cart to see a price lower than that set forth in the Unilateral Price Grid shall not constitute acquiescence with Seller's Unilateral Pricing Policy.

The offer of free shipping or financing on product(s) shall constitute acquiescence with Seller's Unilateral Pricing Policy.

The offer of a gift card redeemable for value on a future purchase with the purchase of product(s) shall constitute acquiescence with Seller's Unilateral Pricing Policy.

Seller, from time to time within its sole discretion, may announce promotion prices and bundles of the products which shall constitute acquiescence with Seller's Unilateral Pricing Policy.

Seller's sales personnel have no authority to modify or grant exceptions to this policy. All questions regarding interpretation of this policy should be directed to